Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Press Secretary Gibbs Writes on His Palm

Fox News is ticked, of course. They fail to see the hypocrisy.

If she can't stand the heat, she needs to get out.


  1. I see that Gibbs forgot orange juice. And Ronald Reagan.

  2. BTW, it's a beautiful dog, Tnlib. I love hounds. Is it really yours?

  3. Elizabeth: I wish he were but I have a big baby who is about 14, a lab/dobby mix. But I love hounds and this one is exceptionally good looking I think. Sometimes I put up an "adopt an oldie."

  4. Oh, Tnlib, so your big baby is really an old geezer. :) He must be adorable.

    My "big baby" is 14, too -- a beagle mix, adopted from a shelter way back when, and the biggest mama's boy you've ever seen. He is my shadow and completely miserable when I'm not around. But following me everywhere, which he does no matter what, creates problems for him, especially now when his bones and joints are giving out.

    It's not easy being old, canine or human.

  5. Elizabeth: Seems as if the day they learn to behave like adults they start declining. Lucky is also a rescue. All 110 lbs of him likes to sleep in the crook of my legs. I can tell the minute he falls asleep because his head gets 50 lbs heavier.

    I don't know where you live but I hope it's warm.
