Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today in History: March 16

If you haven't done so already, I'd love for you to "follow" my blog. It's always nice to know who your friends are.


  1. Been doing that along with links and waiting for the same. I do like what I see here.

  2. As soon as I can figure out how to substitute that ugly generic picture with something real, I will start following everyone else.

    And thank you, One Fly. Kiss the ground in Colorado for me. I miss the place.

  3. Okay, I read daily I guess I can follow...

    Now if I can figure out how to be techy enough to change my layout on blogger I got a couple of other things to update...

  4. It's a bit muddy out but we can work something out. I have a couple profiles out there unintentional and it is a pain in the ass at times. Let's keep slapping winger ass tnlib!
