Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Saturday, December 04, 2010

One Saturday Cartoon


  1. Love the TJ quote at the top.

    You know, I wonder how the TSA workers feel about having to touch so many people all day. There's an angle worth researching, Les!

  2. LOL What Jerry said -- I'll settle for cheap thrills!!!

  3. I've never flown, but I'm thinking about it!

  4. If a chick is available I'm all for the pat downs myself.

  5. I'm not quite there yet, but I can see myself in another 20 years hoping for a good frisking, myself :)


  6. For some of us there may be a problem with the frisker being the same sex as the friskee.

  7. I've come up with a simpler, cheaper and safer approach for airline safety. Create one of those gate-like things you walk through at some stores that scan for merchandise tags, to catch shoplifters, only don't bother with expensive electronics. Just put a big sign ahead of it that says:

    This device causes volatile and caustic chemicals to burn or explode. It makes knives and guns red hot within seconds. If you have these items on or in your person, DO NOT GO THROUGH THIS DEVICE! You will suffer very painful, probably FATAL injuries.

    For added effect, leave a partially burned jacket and pair of pants on the floor nearby and spread some soot around.

    Then, watch to see who does a U-turn.

  8. ROFL. Doubt if it would deter suicided bombers though.
