Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Bachmann, Wiener, Wasserman Schultz And Kelly Go At It

And Republicans talk about elitists? Listen to this guy Mike Kelly as he, Michele Bachmann, Anthony Wiener, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have a shoutfest that leaves Harry Smith stuttering on Face the Nation.
Sorry about the ad.

Wiener: “Apparently my Republican friends believe the tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires – somehow the bill fairy pays for that.”

Kelly [to Wiener]: “You’re very amusing. You have never, in your life, you have never done anything on your own with your own skin in the game.”

Wasserman-Schultz: “It’s time to go beyond rhetoric. Going beyond campaign slogans which is all I’ve heard today from Mr. Kelly and is all Ms. Bachmann really ever engages in.”

Bachmann: “Real world is where America lives, it’s not the bubble in Washington, D.C. where they engage in fantasy economics.”

t/h: Mediaite


  1. Put "we the people" in charge of who gets to talk when and for how long and there would actually be a chance to learn something from these people. Try to bull shit your way outta not answering the question - - - - well you're gonna look mighty funny getting you're ass zapped with a bit of 110 on national tv.

  2. I love Anthony Weiner -- he's on our side. I don't know about you, but every job I ever had -- including when I worked for the Census last summer -- I paid into Social Security. I had to retire early because between my age and a disability I simply could not find a job.

    This so-called discussion defies any polite response sd I'll just shut up and say thanks.

  3. I like both W-S and W. Sharp, sharp, sharp. This Kelly character just flat made me mad. I'm going to keep my eye on him. Bachmann isn't even worth commenting about. She's a total idiot. Duh.

  4. Michele Bachmann AND Mike Kelly are both batshit crazy!

  5. Why Jack. I think I've caught you in a rare understatement! ; )

  6. Like tnlib said. ;)

    I'm at the point where I mostly avoid the Sunday morning talk shows. They seem to exist as a sounding board for right-wing/GOP talking points and a showcase for the more-ambitious/egotistical pols from that blighted quarter.

    L.P., forgive the nitpick, but that was Face the Nation, not MTP. I give Face the Nation credit for having some progressive Dems on, at least. I weakened and watched MTP this week, so Lindsey Graham could raise my blood pressure and test my gag reflex. Big mistake.

  7. SW: I don't know where my head is this week. Too many projects going on. Oh well. Thanks for the correction - not quite as bad as calling Falwell Richard, hopefully.

    Anyway, I don't watch the Sunday morning propaganda machines either. Sometimes, but rarely these days, I'll watch NPT.

  8. Fixed it. LOL. There's that damn big board in the background screaming FACE THE NATION, FACE THE NATION, FACE THE NATION. Aargh.
