Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sotomayor and the GOP (Gilded Old Party): The Shocking Truth

The Republicans just keep getting uglier, meaner, pettier and stupider. I really wouldn’t be at all surprised if they tried to bring back the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). They are right on the verge of claiming that anyone who is opposed to their views doesn’t rank as a true blue American. That would be the Democrats, the Blacks, the Native American, the Asian Americans, the Hispanics and almost every other group of Americans.

Just ask Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court nominee. Ask the NAACP . Ask Cesar Perales, one of the founders of the Puerto Rican Defense and Education Fund, now called the LatinoJustice PRLDEF. They probably wouldn’t define the Republicans in the same glowing terms as this writer but their opposition to Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama and his colleagues in the Gilded Old Party is adamantly apparent – even to some Neanderthals.

In an Associated Press feed on Yahoo yesterday, we learn the shocking news that conservatives are shocked to learn that Sotomayer served 12 years on the board of PRLDEF. Perales says,. “You have a reputable group that has stood for the civil rights of Latinos for 37 years. To suddenly be accused of being something bad, and that anyone associated with it should not be allowed on the Supreme Court, to me is shocking.” Sessions is quoted as saying, “This is a group that has taken some very shocking positions with respect to terrorism.”

There’s enough shocking going on here to fry a person’s hair. Mine is doing summersaults because I’m as shocked as anyone else that Sessions and his Gilded Aged colleagues are so ignorant and blatantly racist.

The same article reports that NAACP president Benjamin Todd said his organization would like to see Sessions tone down his rhetoric. His “description of our sister organization as “extreme” is reminiscent of his previous comment about us as ‘communist’ and ‘un-American’

Even New York City’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that while they haven’t always agreed the group has made substantial improvements.

The article concludes with a comment from Perales that some people “think Latinos ought not to avail themselves of their rights . . . . I interpret what is really going on as really amounting to Latinos don’t have a right to form a civil rights organization and they don’t have a right to bring lawsuits to protect their interest.”

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