Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

If At First You Don't Succeed . . . .

Try and try and try again. And that's just what those little Tea Partiers are gonna do. Opryland and the convention expenses were too high and the lack of organization was astonishing. The attendance was so embarrassingly low that they morphed from delegates to leaders - but only at the last minute. There were probably more than enough Bibles to thump, even for those with thick tongues who got interviewed for TV.

Tea Party Nation is pleased to announce the National Tea Party Unity Convention, July 15 through the 17th, to be held in Las Vegas.

Coming off the success of the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, the National Tea Party Unity Convention is going to bring Tea Party leaders and activists in the movement together to present a unified front as we go into the fall 2010 elections.

Hmm, lot's of booze and gambling in Sin City. But this is the Party of the little guy, right? You know, the ones who can't afford to pay their taxes.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry I had spelling errors...

    Oooooooh Goody!! All the Mormon teabaggers will be close enough to attend the Las Vegas convention, That's what they call A GOOOOOOD time!! lol

  3. Sin City for the Religious Right. I'm sure they could make the case that it's strictly for affordable convention space and that may honestly be the case. Nevertheless it's guilt by association.

    Besides we always go there whenever any kid in a hella big extended family turns 21 and the last thing we want to look at is a bunch of ugly teabaggers.

  4. There's no doubt the convention space is affordable but to have another biggie within five months seems a little over the top.

    Well at least it's not the Greenbrier or the Breakers or the Silverado. Or, Maui.

  5. Like Holte said, LOL.

    Let's see, a bunch of teabaggers in Las Vegas, in July. That ought to be a really hot time, literally.

    Don't worry about the expense, though. I'm sure some of the GOP's corporate patrons and ultra-rich sugar daddies will help cover the tab. Republicans want to co-opt this "movement" so bad they can taste it.

  6. Las Vegas seems like the kind of place Palin would like. Maybe they're hoping she won't charge quite as much this time.

    Gotta be careful what books will be in her hotel room, though.

  7. TPN hasn't indicated who's doing what, when or where. Gut instinct tells me it won't be Palin.

    Somehow I don't see Mormons attending since the majority of so-called Christians don't think they (Mormons) are Christians! Actually anyone who worships outside their narrow fundamentalist beliefs is not a Christian and is going to take a flying leap to hell.

  8. there are Mormon teabaggers, I know of some here in blogland. They worship Palin and the teabaggers.
