Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Friday, April 23, 2010

Eyjafjallajokull Photos from Boston Globe

A small preview but visit the Boston Globe to view the rest of the phenomenal photos. An amazing peoples these Icelandics are. Their pictures are full-screen.


  1. Incredible shots, especially the last one.

    "An amazing peoples these Icelandic are."

    And damned big too. That guy in the 4th pic is bigger than his horses. Perhaps he shoudl be pulling them in a wagon :-)

  2. I hope you linked to the Boston Globe. There are several more and being able to view them on full screen makes a huge difference.

    Boomer: Those are Islandic Ponies. They are beautiful but meaner than hell.

  3. Good Morning Ms.TNlib!

    I did check out the Boston Globe piece's .... that was absolutely awesome .... incredible photography work, a work of "art". That is really some beautiful country up that way, sad that they have to experience Mother Nature doing what simply come's "natural", but that's life!

  4. RC: I hate to admit it, but I wasn't even aware that Iceland has volcanoes! It's sad how something so absolutely beautiful (photos) can come out of such a natural disaster.
