Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wind Her Up and She Sounds Like a Coo-Coo Clock

More revisionist history from La Bimba:

BACHMANN: What people recognize is that there's a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss of militarily going forward.  

Where's she been for the last 20 years? Oh, I know. On her knees.

Hear it at Think Progress.


  1. Maybe in her mind teabaggerdom has already achieved its goal of taking the country back to the 1950s -- Soviet Union and all.

  2. And to think she home schooled all those poor kids. Gives me the chills. Another argument for making them illegal.

    Great find, JC.

  3. I'm more worried about Rick Perry, that bastard might have just enough mojo to unite the religious wackos and the capitalist pigs.

    And with the president acting like Hamlet things could get very bad.

  4. BB: I am too, actually. I think he's truly dangerous. But here's an article that might cheer you up a bit:

    But then again, here's one that might scare your pants off:

    I don't think the Texas Monthly is exactly a hot bed of liberalism, however.

  5. But...but...President Obama said he visited all 57 states! So that means he's a secret Muslim!

    Americans "fear" the Soviet Union? That means Bachmann will be strong on defense.

    See how easy it is to dismiss her ignorance?

  6. I wonder if she can see it from minnesota...

    you betcha she can...

  7. Hahaha. She almost makes Palin a walking, talking encyclopedia, don't she?

  8. So, after her gaffe an aide brings his airhead boss lady up to date. In wide-eyed surprise she responds. . .

    "What? You're putting me on, right? No?

    "So, they shut down he Soviet Union while I wasn't looking. Those sneaky Russians! I've always said you can't trust 'em, and this just proves it. I'll bet it was that Garbageoff's idea. You know, the one with that . . . that weird thingy on his head."

  9. Be sure to link to the video JC provides. It really puts her stupidity in proper perspective.
