Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook

Friday, February 05, 2010

Gentle George

George measure 7 ft. 3 in. from nose to tail.


  1. Glad the previous comment explained. I can't see photos and didn't know if George was a python or a basketball player? LOL. Is the dog yours? BJ

  2. No, this adorable little pup is not mine. I wouldn't mind having him though. He is a blue Great Dane and is a contender for a world's record. He sleeps alone in his own queen size bed and lives in Tucson. My big baby gets to sleep in a queen size bed, too, but with me. George weighs in at twice as much as mine at 245 lbs.

  3. What a beautiful baby... I would love something like that.. but my pom would freak

  4. "adorable little pup"

    That leaves adorable little dead batteries the size of a terminal moraine. What do you use for a pooper-scooper ... a bulldozer?

  5. "George measure 7 ft. 3 in. from nose to tail"

    Yes, but how big is the dog?

  6. Annette: They are sweet but they are prone to tumors and don't live very long.

    Octo: I can't imagine scooping up after these guys and gals. The smell alone would bring me down. Mucking after horses is much more pleasant because they eat grass and have no by-products. In other words, it doesn't smell so crappy.

  7. dmarks: He is 43 inches tall from paw to shoulder and eats 110 lbs. of food a month.

  8. How long would it take him to wolf down a cut of Babe the Blue Ox!

  9. I don't care how big this dog is. What are his politics? He looks liberal.....

  10. dmarks: maybe about 3 minutes?

    Vig: Of course he's a liberal. He's a smart dog.
